About Us

Our nursery, Picts Hill Alpines, is situated in Somerset and we are a mother and daughter team. Between us we have over 45 years experience in horticulture, from practical gardening and propagation to teaching and writing, alongside many qualifications in horticulture. Of all the wonderful plants there are, alpines are our absolute favourites.

All the plants we sell are propagated at our small nursery, either grown from seed, or a variety of propagation methods such as cuttings or division. We use 100% peat free compost for propagating and growing our plants. We are also pesticide free, using companion planting, bio stimulants and biological control if necessary.

Plant Passport GB/132663

We are an online nursery only and are not open to visitors.

Jenny Shukman, BSc. Horticulture (1st Class Hons.); MSc. Conservation of Historic Gardens & Cultural Landscapes, (Distinction); RHS Diploma (Commendation & Chittenden Award); Cert. Ed.